So you’ve got a butternut squash…

I love butternut squash. They’re plentiful in the fall and winter months, so I’ll usually roast one up for a meal at least once a week. This vegetable is so versatile, and chock full of fibre so it fills you up. Who doesn’t love a filling, (usually) healthy meal? I thought I’d share my favourite recipes here so you can cook up some butternut squash yourself.


First thing you gotta do with most of these recipes is roast your butternut squash so you can decimate it, as seen above. To do this, you just have to cut the top and bottom off your squash, the cut down the middle. Then scoop out the seeds using a spoon. Once your squash is seed-free put the squash so the cut side is down on a baking sheet that’s covered in parchment paper. Another way is to put it cut side down in a baking dish and fill with a few inches of water. With both these methods you then bake in a 400 degree oven for 30-40 minutes (depending on the size of your squash). You’ll know when it’s done because the skin is a bit brown. Once your squash has cooled down, you can start scooping out the insides.

If I know I’ll be cooking with squash and I’ve got my shit together, I’ll typically bake it the night before so it’s ready to be used when I get home from work the next day.

Alternatively, if you don’t have the time to bake your squash or want to be lazy I found that Superstore started selling diced squash in their frozen foods section (Costco’s been selling diced fresh squash for a while too).


Now that you know how to get your squash, here’s my favourite uses for it. Since I don’t like reposting another site’s recipe and pretending it’s my own, I’ve got the links below as well.

Chipotle Butternut Squash Alfredo

Let’s start with the least healthy recipe, I made this a week ago and had a lot of leftover sauce so I froze the rest and hope it’s just as delicious when I defrost it in the future.


I looked and looked and couldn’t find chipotle noodle, so I used regular ones and added chipotle spice to my sauce. I added pomegranate seeds because they’re another fall favourite, as well as chopped up pancetta because it’s fancy Italian bacon. Such a simple recipe but makes you feel like you’ve really accomplished something with your pasta.

If you figure out where to find chipotle noodles in Vancouver, let me know.

Butternut Squash Risotto


I’ve talked about this one before in my risotto post, it’s from Skinnytaste and a great intro to the world of making risotto at home.

Butternut Squash and Apple Bisque


I made this one on Sunday night and have plenty of leftovers for lunch this week. It’s been freezing all week and there’s nothing like a bowl of soup, this one is like a warm hug from inside. The squash and apples make this bad boy so thick, also slightly sweet. Don’t forget to add the candied pecans, they’re a great added crunch.

Bacon Wrapped Squash

Oh god, these are amazing. But you probably figured that out when you saw it was bacon plus butternut squash. With this recipe, you don’t need to roast the squash beforehand. Instead you peel the squash (not an easy task, actually one of the worst vegetables to peel) and dice it up. I haven’t tried this with the frozen, pre-cut squash, but I imagine it might be a bit too soggy to do. The pre-cut Costco stuff is probably best since it’s already peeled and chopped, but not frozen.

These one of my favourite things to bring to a potluck or serve as an appetizer.

Give these a try and let me know which you like, while you’re at it you can leave your favourite butternut squash recipe in the comments. 

Older and wiser

Every once and awhile a song will come up on my iTunes that makes me take a second and say “huh.” I don’t mean because the lyrics don’t make sense or anything like that (although that also happens), but because I had no idea what the songs were about when I first heard them. Usually the songs have to do with sex. Similarly is Dirty Dancing, I watched that movie every weekend when I was 7 or 8 and when I saw it when I was older I couldn’t believe my parents let me watch the movie at such a young age. Dirty Dancing is all about sex, y’all.


But, I kinda get what my parents were doing. I remember the first time I really realized what Ginuwine’s Pony was about. I was in the car with my dad when it came on and surprisingly the song went on for about a minute before he switched stations (usually he’d switch right away if it wasn’t Classic Rock). Once we got to the chorus he quickly changed stations and said that it’s not an appropriate song. Next time I heard it, I listened to the lyrics and got what he was talking about. So there’s a tip to you parents… don’t react and your kids won’t even know there’s something wrong with what they’re watching/listening to.

So I thought I’d share some of the songs that I heard when I was younger, that I had no idea what they were about. I’m not including Blister in the Sun, we all knew that was about masturbation. Same goes with Relax by Frankie Goes to Hollywood, even a 5 year old knows that’s about sex.

Here you go:

Rush Rush by Paula Abdul. This is the song that came on my iTunes today that made me go hmmmm. With lyrics like “hurry, hurry lover come to me… I can feel it, I can feel you all through me” it was obvious what that was all about. I was 9 when this came out, so that’s either an excuse or I feel like I should’ve known better. I’m including the video below because you need to enjoy 90s Keanu Reeves and this Rebel Without a Cause remake.

Also, remember pre-crazy Paula Abdul!?!

After Paula comes the entire janet album by Janet Jackson.

First off, the fact that this came up when I Google image searched janet makes me lose faith in humanity and the internet:

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What I mean is, this album:


This album came out and I knew it was dirty, but I didn’t know how dirty. I took a hip-hop class at the time and our teacher was one of the male dancers in the If video and he tried to teach us some moves. He suddenly left after week two, I imagine it may have had to do with some of the scandalous dance moves as well as the lyrics:

It took a few years before I realized just exactly what she was singing. The song Anytime, Anyplace (timeless, still one of my faves) was apparent even to my young mind what it was about. I used to listen to this album in my room like it was some dirty little secret, I wasn’t sure why but I knew it was “adult.”

(Please take a moment or two to watch the If video, I miss dancing in music videos so much. If there was one thing that Janet and Michael brought us it was dance sequences choreographed to a T and I will forever be grateful to them)

Looking back, janet was kinda quaint next to The Velvet Rope or All For You, where I seem to remember her faking (?) an orgasm at the end of one song.

Next up, Aaliyah’s Rock the Boat. Again, this is one I knew was about sex but wasn’t aware of how much it was about sex.

Moving on… SUMMER OF 69! I’ve made it my life mission to let everyone know that the unofficial Canadian National Anthem is about sex, Bryan Adams was 10 in 1969. Read the Wiki article, he says it’s all about the sex.

And finally, TLC’s Red Light Special. Looking at this list, I may have been sheltered. This is so obvious, but I never thought of red light as being something other than a traffic symbol. Or I think I also thought the red light special was similar to the blue light special they had at KMart.

This song is amazing and totally about sex. TLC were feminists before we knew what feminists were or how cool it was to be one (and by we I mean us youngin’s who weren’t around to usher it in the 70s). I think the best part is that I totally used to sing and gesticulate when Chilli would sing the bridge, I totally related to the line “I’m a woman, a real woman. I know just what I want, I know just who I am.” 

I was like, 12.

This is actually true of most of the TLC album Crazy Sexy Cool, which holds up btw. Also, does anyone want to do the Creep video’s pyjamas as a Halloween costume with me next year?

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Looking back, we had so many feminist icons to look up to in the 90s. We had Girl Power before The Spice Girls made it a thing.

I’m sure I’m missing a bunch from this list. But share in the comments what songs you had no idea were about sex until you heard them later on. 

No longer on Fleek

This is a follow up to this post.

Earlier this year I had my eyebrows tattooed. At the time, I was very happy with the results. After the first touch-up they were great, but I had a second one in the summer and was super happy.

Here’s what I started off with:


Then after the first touch up:


Here’s what they looked like shortly after the second touch-up:

And here’s them now:

Actual representation of the dark circles under my eyes
Actual representation of the dark circles under my eyes

Im basically almost back where I started from, less than a year after the initial tattooing. When I first heard about eyebrow tattooing I researched for a long time, I didn’t want brows that looked Sharpied on and wanted to make sure my investment would be worth it. My research said that these types of tattoos last 3-5 years, maybe even longer. They can fade out if your blood is low on iron, something I’ve never had an issue with before (to my knowledge), but I started to include an iron supplement with my daily vitamins.

And still, they’re almost all faded out. I’m disappointed, obviously. They were quite the investment and I had hoped they would last, they cut down on my getting ready time in the morning but also helped with my self esteem.

I don’t blame the artist who had originally done them, she was very professional and I’ve seen some of her other work and it has lasted the expected time. I thought about going back for another touch up, but I don’t know if they’ll last long with a third treatment.

So, I’m back to filling in my brows daily. I still love my Anastasia Brow Wiz, I use this when I want a softer look. But I also recently found out about the Ecobrow Defining Wax, which gives a bolder and darker look. I love both of these because they look realistic, but also last all day.


Would I recommend eyebrow tattooing to someone else? Probably, but I would do so with caution that they may not get results for as long as they want. And maybe that the money they spend on it be something they can part with for a few months of awesome brows and not something they had to save up for.

Any experience with eyebrow tattooing you want to share? If not (or even if you do), any favourite eyebrow products to share? 



It’s been a hard week, I said to my coworkers today that I felt like I’ve just been treading water this week. I bought a bottle of wine and tonight I planned to toast to the fact there was just one last day in the workweek. Nothing could bring me out of my mood, until I got a notification from iTunes… my preorder for Adele’s 25 was ready just past 8:30pm on Thursday night.

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It was important enough to Instagram

Look, I know it’s an understatement for most people but… my god… Adele is fucking amazing.

I immediately listened to the full album, putting aside the work I took home with me because this was much more important.

Upon first listen my review… it’s fucking phenomenal. I’ve missed her.

My favourite so far is When We Were Young. She released a live version earlier this week that may be better than the album version, which is a rare feat

I mean… that high note at the end… all of the feels. The line “I’m so mad I’m getting old, I’m getting reckless.” Why you mad Adele?! You’re the most talented 25 (actually 27) year old on the planet!

Damn guys, how do I get to be one-tenths as amazing and talented as Adele?

I rarely buy albums so the fact that I preordered this one and shelled out my cash instead of torrenting it speaks highly of Adele. Go buy it. You’ll cry and gasp and feel all the feelings. It will be amazing and cathartic.

And lest you think Adele is only about sappy, lost love ballads you’ll be pleasantly surprised. She still has a few ballads (some dedicated to her son, others to her man), but there’s more upbeat songs than her last album.

Just buy it. Trust me.

Have you listened yet? What’s your favourite track, do you think this album can meet the expectations that 21 set?

How to make pierogis: Lessons from a real Polish person

Here’s a few things you might not know about me: I’m not a food photographer… I’m also half Polish. For real guys, I know the food photographs you’ve seen thus far on the blog and in this post may convince you otherwise, but I have legit no photography background.

Also, I’m half Polish. My mom was born there and immigrated to Canada when she was young. For some reason people always stereotype me as Italian, I suspect it may be due to my last name but also because I think people know more about Italian stereotypes than Polish ones. I think I’ve been influenced much more by my Italian side as well, since my Polish grandparents died while I was in my teens and my mom cooks more Italian food than Polish. She is an excellent Italian cook, even better than my Italian Nonna.

I did not make these, nor took this actually good photo
I did not make these, nor took this actually good photo

So anyways, I’ve mastered a few Italian recipes but haven’t really tried a Polish recipe. My Babcha (Polish grandma) used to make pierogis, but I never really ate them because I was a pickier eater than I am now (I’m still a picky eater).  But in recent years I’ve started to enjoy them and always wanted to try to make them on my own, but for some reason I felt like they took all day to make. So this past weekend it was pouring and cold, a perfect day to stay in and try to make something new.

I was pleasantly surprised that this only whole thing took only two hours, from making the dough to frying them up.

So here’s my method to making delicious pierogis, you can trust me since I’m an actual Polish person.

1st off, you need to make some mashed potatoes for the filling. Most recipes suggest adding some fried onions to your filling, but I’m not a big fan of onions so I skipped that. In order to bring more flavour to the filling, I added some bacon because it’s bacon. I started boiling my peeled potatoes as I worked on the dough and fried up some bacon.

I used 3 potatoes, entirely too much potatoes for the amount of pierogis I made.

To make the dough, I mixed 3 cups of flour with some salt (about a teaspoon), then added a mixture of 3/4 cup water, an egg and 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil (add more water if your flour is still dry). Once you’ve got that mixed up, knead the dough on your floured countertop until it’s smooth, about 15-20 times (don’t over-knead!). Wrap your dough up in Saran Wrap (or whatever off brand you might use) and let it sit for 20 minutes.

While you’re waiting for your dough to rest you can make your filling/mashed potatoes. Smash those taters however you like (I prefer my handheld mixer) and then add some cheddar cheese (about 3/4 cup). Make your bacon into bits (I use my mini food processor). Add some salt and pepper to taste, you could probably add your fried onions at this point as well. Then let that mix cool off a bit as you wait for your dough.

(Sidenote: As I mentioned in my caption, I had entirely too much potato filling using three russet potatoes. I would recommend for this dough recipe – which I got 41 pierogis from – one large potato and maybe 1/2 a cup of cheese or less, depending on your cheese needs)

Once your dough is ready, split it in two pieces so it’s easier to work with and start rolling out your dough on a floured countertop with a floured rolling pin. Once you’ve got the dough relatively thin (5mm thick) start cutting out your pierogis. If you’re fancy, use a circular cookie cutter… I just used a glass from Ikea.

My nesting dolls salt and pepper shakers made the shot because they add some Eastern European authenticity.
My nesting dolls salt and pepper shakers made the shot because they add some Eastern European authenticity.

Next you can start filling your circles with filling, I like mine chock full of potato-y goodness


Next fold in half and make sure your edges are pinched closed. For reals, make sure those bad boys are pinched tight and your filling is not coming out.


Once you’ve got your pierogi formed place it on a floured tea towel (flour is important for pierogi recipe if this wasn’t obvious already) and then cover them with another tea towel. Keep on keeping on until you got all your dough rolled out and made into pierogis (also, that leftover dough after you cut out the initial dough you can make a new ball and roll back out until you can’t possibly get anymore). Like I said, I got 41 pierogis from this.


Next up, boil yourself a pot of water. Once your water is boiling, add your pierogis to the water to cook them. I cooked them in batches of 10, basically you add them to the water and cook them for about 3-5 minutes. They’re ready once they float to the top, just take them out with a slotted spoon and continue cooking the rest.


Next, I let them cool down on some parchment paper. I then cooked some of them up for dinner and the rest I froze for future meals.

This time nesting doll measuring cups gave their blessing to the finished pierogi product.

My favourite way to make pierogis is to fry them up in an inappropriate amount of butter. I don’t like onions or sour cream so I basically eat them without anything but their buttery goodness.

After all that’s said and done, I definitely recommend trying to make pierogis at home. Sure, the frozen ones are pretty cheap, decent tasting and easy to buy at your local grocery store, but these were actually much better. Plus, creating your own food from scratch is always a good way to learn more about making your own recipes and makes you feel accomplished.

Have you ever made your own pierogis? What’s your favourite pierogi filling? 

Sexiest Man Alive?

Last night People Magazine announced their latest Sexiest Man Alive – David Beckham.

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And I totally get it, we’ve all been swooning over David Beckham for years. And like most men, he only gets better with age… I hate him (and all men) for this. He’s hot, plus he’s a fantastic father and (if you ignore the cheating rumours of the early 2000s) a great husband.

I have no arguments for the Sexiest Man Alive, but I do also wonder how he was chosen this year over previous years. This isn’t the first year we’ve known about Beckham, so why not choose someone more current? Chris Pratt was an upset last year when the other Chris was chosen over him (Hemsworth)… especially after his great summer with Guardians of the Galaxy. If I were a betting lady, I would’ve bet Pratt would’ve won this one this year. I mean, Jurassic Park! And those abs! Plus, he was Andy.

I mean....
I mean….

Beckham hasn’t really been relevant this year, so huge round of applause for his PR team for scoring this one because honestly, the title is given to whomever’s publicist worked the hardest. One of the big things about being named Sexiest Man Alive is being willing to make fun of the title and playing the game. They’re not going to pick a guy who is ashamed of the title or isn’t willing to field questions about being named SMA for years to come. Perfect previous Sexiest Man is George Clooney. He is still sexy as hell, plus he plays the game and jokes about it.

You can see why he as crowned twice
You can see why he as crowned twice

Pratt totally would’ve camped it up! Whoever he’s paying for publicity should really get fired.

So there’s a few guys I would give the title to, aside from Chris Pratt, and not sure if they’d all play the game but they’re deserving of the title nonetheless. This may also be a shameless excuse to just post a lot of photos of hot guys.

Idris Elba, there's only one other black man who was named SMA (Denzel) so isn't it about time to have a non-white dude?
Idris Elba, there’s only one black man who has been named SMA (Denzel) so isn’t it about time to have a non-white dude?
I'm really not trying to make a racial statement, but I kinda love Trevor Noah and the new Daily Show. Also, damn.
I’m really not trying to make a racial statement, but I kinda love Trevor Noah and the new Daily Show. Also, damn.
John Oliver - Those dimples. Plus he's super smart, funny and adorable.
John Oliver – Those dimples. Plus he’s super smart, funny and adorable.
I almost feel like I'm adding him because I have to, but I can't deny his beauty.
I almost feel like I’m adding him because I have to, but I can’t deny his beauty.
Paul Rudd, he hasn't aged since Clueless.
Paul Rudd, he hasn’t aged since Clueless.
I never got into Sons of Anarchy, but I've been appreciating Charlie Hunnam since Undeclared
I never got into Sons of Anarchy, but I’ve been appreciating Charlie Hunnam since Undeclared
How had RDJ never been Sexiest Man Alive? He seems like he'd love to play the game (I'm putting mostly for this reason)
How had RDJ never been Sexiest Man Alive? He seems like he’d love to play the game (I’m putting mostly for this reason)
The Rock seems like the nicest guy, I watched his Masterclass on Own this weekend and he is awesome.
The Rock seems like the nicest guy, I watched his MasterClass on Own this weekend and he is awesome.

Who would you add? I’m almost certain that there are some glaring omissions so please school me in the comments. 

Master of None

If you’ve been on the internet at all in the past two weeks you’ve probably read about Master of None, the newest Netflix hit that was created by Aziz Ansari. Maybe you’ve even seen it. If you haven’t you should.

aa gif

Master of None is a smart and funny look at dating in your late-twenties/early thirties, but also explores race, life as a woman and relationships with parents in the ten episode first season. Each 30 minute episode is well written and acted, and speaking of actors… Aziz’s parents play his parents in the show

Not from the show, but even Bey and Jay have met Aziz's parents
Not from the show, but even Bey and Jay have met Aziz’s parents

His parents are getting a lot of attention from the show, and they should because they’re awesome, particularly his dad. But one of my favourite things that has come out of this show is what he wrote on Instagram the other day about his parents (so umm… call your parents)

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I’ve been a fan of Aziz since I first saw him on Parks and Recreation, if you’ve followed his career you’ll see a lot of the ideas he explores in his stand up in the show. A few of his stand up specials are also on Netflix, so check those out as well.

stand up

Finally, if you’ve read his book (or even heard of it) you’ll notice that dating in the modern world is something he explores a lot in his work. I’ve been reading this book on and off since it came out, it’s not the typical collection of short stories by a celebrity with funny excerpts of their life. Instead, it’s a book with a lot of research about how dating has changed over the years. It’s definitely not an easy read, but it is interesting

modern romance

So if you’re looking for something to marathon on Netflix I’d definitely recommend Master of None, dare I say it’s probably the best new thing on the site that’s perfect for a little Netflix and Chill… even if it’s by yourself*.

*Note that I’m old and I may not have the best idea of what Netflix and Chill actually means so I may mean that in a different way than you may read it if you’re under 25.

Have you watched Master of None? What did you think? 

Earn This


The title of this entry comes from the classic Steven Spielberg movie “Saving Private Ryan.” As my brother knows very well this line gets me every time. It’s sad because (spoiler alert) it’s muttered in the dying breathes of Tom Hanks’ character to Matt Damon- aka Private Ryan- as a reminder that so many men gave their lives so that he would live, so his mother didn’t have to face that three of her sons died in WWII.

I used to wonder how one person could earn that… how one man could live his life well enough to make up for those who lost theirs. Trying to earn it could drive one person so insane that they may give up as a result of never feeling good enough. Because how does one go about living their life to make up for everything that they gave up? These men, about the same age as Ryan (with the exception of Hanks, who already had a family), could have gone on to have wives, children, grandchildren, etc. and it was up to Ryan to earn everything they gave up. Private Ryan did, and as he visits the graves we see him with his wife, children, grandchildren and he questions whether he was a good man, whether he lived his life well enough. And I guess we’re supposed to feel like that’s enough, live your life to the best of your ability and that will have to suffice.

I don’t intend to give movie reviews here or to contemplate all of Spielberg’s classics (although I may revert to Schindler’s List when I finally visit Auschwitz or E.T. when I need to discuss possible alien life). I used Saving Private Ryan as an example because a) it’s a darn good movie b) it’s one of the few movies I’ve actually seen and c) the whole Earn This concept is quite fitting for the day.

It’s Remembrance Day. Growing up it was merely a day off school and a reason to waste half a school day at an assembly on the 10th. As I got older it was time and a half at work. Sure, I bought the poppies, and I replaced them when they fell off my lapel (which is quite often), I wore them as if the day was significant to me but felt mostly like a lemming, pinning it to my jackets or work clothes merely as a statement that I comply with this tradition.

In the past couple years, maybe as I educated myself more on the history of Canada in the wars or as I matured and realized what this day means, I began to think about why we have this day, why we pause at the eleventh hour, of the eleventh day, of the eleventh month.

Canadian Military Personnel Killed
* First World War: 66,655
* Second World War: 44,893
* Korean conflict: 516
* Afghanistan: 159

During World War I Canada sent 620,000 soldiers to fight and over 66,000 were killed. There are few, if any (the internet gives me unreliable stats) WWI veterans still alive in Canada and their average age would be over 100.

In World War II over one million Canadians fought in World War II, most of whom were my age or younger and almost 45,000 of them did not return. There are fewer than 75,900 WWII veterans alive in Canada and their average age is over 90.

These men and women gave their lives – their futures – to protect our lives and freedom in conflicts that luckily many of us will never have to experience. We will never know what they had to fight against or the hell they lived through because they made this ultimate sacrifice for us, so that we would have the possibility for a future.

But why must we remember? Why must our generations – most of which have no memory of war or could never conceive of what life must be like to live through that- take a day to remember these men and women who are long gone?

Because we must remember what has been lost, what has been gained and what has been sacrificed in order for us to live this way. The memory of the lowest and most significant points in our human history pushes us forward; it evolves us as humans and hopefully prevents mankind from having to live through such violence again.

Remembrance Day makes us take pause in our busy lives, the lives in which we are free and able to do as we choose in our great country because of these men and women who worked so hard to protect that freedom.

We are here today because of them, we are here to honor them and we are here to thank them. I only hope that as a society we will continue to remember them and earn what they have so graciously given us.

40 Years

mom and da

This past Sunday my parents celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary. 40 years. That’s longer than I’ve been alive! It is a ridiculous achievement, and one that few people reach. So many of my friends have parents that are divorced, so I’ve been really lucky to witness their marriage and what it takes to make it work.

I thought I’d share with you a few things I’ve learned about relationships from my parents.

  • Do nice things for your partner for no reason. My dad brings roses home to my mom for no reason, my mom leaves notes for my dad for him to find when he wakes up for work. And since my dad usually brings the paper with him to work in the morning, he cuts out my mom’s horoscope and leaves it for her to see when she wakes up.
  • Split the duties. My parent’s never had stereotypical gender roles, my parents would both make dinner, clean and do house maintenance.
  • Once I asked my mom what makes a marriage work, she told me that you’re not always going to like each other. Sure, you still love that person, but you’ll have times where you’re angry and don’t like them at that moment. You just both can’t not like each other at the same time, one person still has to fighting for the relationship.
  • Patience. Both of my parents have their flaws (like everyone else), after living with each other for so many years they know each other’s flaws and instead of nagging each other about them they exercise patience.
  • Fight. My parents fight, and they’ve never hid it from my brother and I. I think this has been helpful for me to see because I get to see how much work a relationship is and you don’t just give up because you had a fight. Just remember that tip about continuing to love each other and fight for the relationship.
  • Spend time together. My parents are currently in Cuba for their anniversary trip, they also went to Italy this summer. They travel a lot, but they also spend time together all the time. My mom is retired, but she often waits for my dad to get home from work before making a trip to Costco or the grocery store. Not because she can’t do it without him, but because she wants the company and they’ve got their grocery shopping/Costco trips down to an art.

The best thing about this advice isn’t that it’s exclusive to romantic relationships, but it is good for friendships or any other type of partnership.

What about you, what has your parent’s relationship(s) taught you about love and relationships?

Counterpoint: Scrunchies are awful

Yesterday Andrea wrote a list of why scrunchies are great. I’m here to offer the argument that they’re horrible.

A small caveat, I wear scrunchies to bed sometimes. As a curly haired girl they help keep my curls in their shape so they’re bouncy in the morning. I go to bed, the scrunchy is in and I take it out as soon as I wake up. I also sleep alone, so no one has to witness this admittedly ugly act.

Important to also note, I bought a three pack of scrunchies for $5. Andrea bought scrunchies for $5 each.

Now, I could offer a huge essay on why scrunchies suck, but I won’t do that. Because I believe that Carrie and her friends shut this argument down years ago on Sex and the City.

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As you may recall, a scrunchy nearly broke up Carrie and Berger. Who the hell breaks up with Ron Livingston? Obviously a sane person who understands a woman does not wear a scrunchy outside her home.

And sure, some concepts introduced to us on SatC have gone out of style, but not the scrunchy. Just look at what happened when Carrie tried to make amends with the scrunchy in Sex and the City the first movie…

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That’s not a good look. It’s like the scrunchies of the world decided to join forces to create a mega-scrunchy to eat her alive for ruining their good name. But guess what? Carrie survived. And she moved on to create Sex and the City 2, where nary a scrunchy was found… not even on the children.

To be fair, I kinda wish the scrunchy won so we wouldn't have this movie
To be fair, I kinda wish the scrunchy won so we wouldn’t have this movie

Aside from what Carrie and her squad taught us about scrunchies, I think one of the reason’s I dislike scrunchies so much is that it reminds me of the ages of 5 to 12. My mom used to sew me scrunchies to match every outfit (btw, so simple to make and cheaper too), so I think of childhood and little girls when I see a scrunchy. And just like my argument against pigtails, I see this as a way of acting like a little girl and I hate when women infantilize themselves.

So what do you think of scrunchies, do you agree with me or do you think Andrea is right and they’re acceptable to wear outside the house?