No longer on Fleek

This is a follow up to this post.

Earlier this year I had my eyebrows tattooed. At the time, I was very happy with the results. After the first touch-up they were great, but I had a second one in the summer and was super happy.

Here’s what I started off with:


Then after the first touch up:


Here’s what they looked like shortly after the second touch-up:

And here’s them now:

Actual representation of the dark circles under my eyes
Actual representation of the dark circles under my eyes

Im basically almost back where I started from, less than a year after the initial tattooing. When I first heard about eyebrow tattooing I researched for a long time, I didn’t want brows that looked Sharpied on and wanted to make sure my investment would be worth it. My research said that these types of tattoos last 3-5 years, maybe even longer. They can fade out if your blood is low on iron, something I’ve never had an issue with before (to my knowledge), but I started to include an iron supplement with my daily vitamins.

And still, they’re almost all faded out. I’m disappointed, obviously. They were quite the investment and I had hoped they would last, they cut down on my getting ready time in the morning but also helped with my self esteem.

I don’t blame the artist who had originally done them, she was very professional and I’ve seen some of her other work and it has lasted the expected time. I thought about going back for another touch up, but I don’t know if they’ll last long with a third treatment.

So, I’m back to filling in my brows daily. I still love my Anastasia Brow Wiz, I use this when I want a softer look. But I also recently found out about the Ecobrow Defining Wax, which gives a bolder and darker look. I love both of these because they look realistic, but also last all day.


Would I recommend eyebrow tattooing to someone else? Probably, but I would do so with caution that they may not get results for as long as they want. And maybe that the money they spend on it be something they can part with for a few months of awesome brows and not something they had to save up for.

Any experience with eyebrow tattooing you want to share? If not (or even if you do), any favourite eyebrow products to share? 

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