And I am…

Allow me to formally introduce myself, I am Andrea, or Annie. I am a student studying English Language at UBC, and working towards being an elementary school teacher. I am also the loving owner to a ridiculous dog named Lilly (in the melancholy photo below). Now here is my responses to some questions that Jen has sent over to me.PorkFavourite piece/type of clothing:
My favourite type of clothes is dresses. I love to wear dresses, and a favourite of mine is pictured up top. I got it on sale on ASOS last year. They carry so many clothes that I would love to wear, and feel great about wearing.

Least favourite fashion trend:
My least favourite fashion trend. Well, this is a pickle. I do have a tendency to fall prey to fashion trends, especially the most questionable. I say this while wearing Arizona Birkenstocks. As far as least favourite trends, overalls. But ask me again next year, I will likely be wearing them. I was vehemently against Birkenstocks last year.

Favourite outfit you’ve ever worn:
My favourite outfit I ever wore, thats a tough one. I feel my absolute best wearing a pair of jeans, flats and a great top. But my favourite outfit would have to be my high school graduation outfit. I got a budget for everything needed for grad, including a couple dresses, a couple pairs of shoes, hair, the whole deal. I decided to bust the whole budget on a pair of shoes, and settled on a pair of Manolo Blahniks. The amount remaining was $50.00, so I bought a dress from the maternity section of H&M and called it a day. Manolo BlahnikProudest DIY moment:
I am not nearly as much of a DIY goddess as Jen, I am more of a cook and baker. I recently made a garland for a friends birthday and it turned out pretty excellent! I am having another party next week, and am planning on crafting up some interesting decorations. GarlandBest recipe I make:
The best recipe. Hmmm, I make a kick ass caesar salad and it is likely the best thing I make. I also am working towards mastering a bolognese. My mom makes a killer one, and even though I use the same recipe, it doesn’t turn out quite the same.

Where you can typically find me on the weekend:
I can usually be found in the library on weekends. Reluctantly. Otherwise, likely getting drinks at a restaurant. I love drinks, which transitions perfectly into the next question.

The drink you should buy me if you ever see me in the bar:
WINE. All of the wine. But for a real drink, whiskey sour please!

Three completely random things about me:

  • I rewarded myself for finishing exams by allowing myself to clean my bathroom. Thoroughly. It was great.
  • I am a big fan of the oxford comma, and other unnecessary punctuation.
  • I drink milk out of the jug. Don’t tell my roommate.


Hello, my name is…

Hi y’all – I guess it’s time for me to introduce myself. I’m Jen, a sarcastic, honest, and stubborn lady living in Vancouver and trying to figure out what life holds for me.


In order to get to know us better, we figured we could answer a few questions about the most important things in life. Check out my answers below.

Favourite piece/type of clothing:
I love a onesie. Others might refer to them as jumpsuits or playsuits, but I like onesie. Even if it immediately reminds you of the outfit you were brought home from the hospital in. It’s the simplicity of being able to pull one piece out of your closet and having pants and top all right there. 

Least favourite fashion trend:
I will never be able to get behind a peplum. Between that and ruffles, there’s just too much unnecessary fabric that is doing nothing to flatter any body type. There’s one exception to this and that was me as a child, because I was clearly killing these looks.

Also, young people need to stop dying their hair grey.
Screen Shot 2015-04-28 at 10.41.41 PM

Favourite outfit you’ve ever worn:
I can’t say this is my favourite ever, but I do love this dress and the accompanying belt. It was a steal that I found at JCPenney after being dragged in the store because I never find anything in there. It was for a wedding last summer and it was so comfortable and fun to dance in. Plus I do love me a maxi dress. Please enjoy me wearing it in a rare (grainy) selfie.


Proudest DIY moment:
I recently repainted my kitchen table and chairs. I swear, I nearly cried after finally finishing it. The whole thing took almost two weeks, I was painting a coat after work and doing all the work in my kitchen and living room. The original paint colour was this forest green on the legs and the wood tabletop was a mahogany colour.

Best recipe I make:
I can’t really claim these as my own, I can follow a recipe well but I’m not that creative in the kitchen when it comes to making my own stuff. I do make a pretty good butternut squash risotto and spaghetti carbonara.  

Where you can typically find me on the weekend:
Usually starting another home project that I regret starting two days later. Chapters is my happy place so tend to make a stop there every few weeks, I can spend hours in there and come away with books that will sit on my shelf for months before I get around to reading it. Usually by mid-afternoon or the evening I’ll be socializing over drinks, preferably on a patio. 

The drink you should buy me if you ever see me in the bar:
You can never go wrong with wine. And like Annie I like a whiskey sour. I’ll also take a vodka soda. If I’m being honest, I wont turn down much in the way of a free drink, except maybe beer.  

Three completely random things about me:

  • I cannot stand mismatched socks. You need to reexamine your life if you can’t even get your damn socks organized
  • I love a sunset, but I can’t recall the last time I saw the sunrise. My bed is much more preferable. Also, I LOVE sleep. I’m pretty much an expert.
  • Solo kitchen dance parties are the best way to brighten up a bad day. Two songs that’ll always get me moving are Toto by Africa and Shake it off by Taylor Swift.


Andrea (l) & Jen (r)
Andrea (l) & Jen (r)

As two funny girls from Vancouver with a passion for well-priced fashion, we’re bringing some much-needed irony to the world of fashion blogging.

If the picture to the left (to the left) doesn’t make it clear, we don’t necessarily fit the mold of the typical fashion blogger. It took some time for us to figure out where to buy clothes that look good at a reasonable price, so we want to share our shallow pool of knowledge with you.

Be forewarned, we’re all about Converse sneakers instead of heels. Messy top knots instead of perfectly tousled waves.

We consider ourselves the antithesis of goop. We’ll try to throw some kale in a smoothie every once and awhile, but we don’t pretend to like it. The only thing we love more than wine is food, so we will share every delicious creation we concoct with you.

Because we are on a budget, and we love to live in beautiful spaces we try to do the best we can with what we have and make it lovely. We typically start DIY adventures in order to procrastinate other things we need to do (such as cleaning the bathroom – Jen) and we’ll share the results, good or bad, with you.

And full disclosure, we can’t be held accountable for what’s written here, because most of it will be typed after a few glasses of wine.

You can reach us at