Master of None

If you’ve been on the internet at all in the past two weeks you’ve probably read about Master of None, the newest Netflix hit that was created by Aziz Ansari. Maybe you’ve even seen it. If you haven’t you should.

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Master of None is a smart and funny look at dating in your late-twenties/early thirties, but also explores race, life as a woman and relationships with parents in the ten episode first season. Each 30 minute episode is well written and acted, and speaking of actors… Aziz’s parents play his parents in the show

Not from the show, but even Bey and Jay have met Aziz's parents
Not from the show, but even Bey and Jay have met Aziz’s parents

His parents are getting a lot of attention from the show, and they should because they’re awesome, particularly his dad. But one of my favourite things that has come out of this show is what he wrote on Instagram the other day about his parents (so umm… call your parents)

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I’ve been a fan of Aziz since I first saw him on Parks and Recreation, if you’ve followed his career you’ll see a lot of the ideas he explores in his stand up in the show. A few of his stand up specials are also on Netflix, so check those out as well.

stand up

Finally, if you’ve read his book (or even heard of it) you’ll notice that dating in the modern world is something he explores a lot in his work. I’ve been reading this book on and off since it came out, it’s not the typical collection of short stories by a celebrity with funny excerpts of their life. Instead, it’s a book with a lot of research about how dating has changed over the years. It’s definitely not an easy read, but it is interesting

modern romance

So if you’re looking for something to marathon on Netflix I’d definitely recommend Master of None, dare I say it’s probably the best new thing on the site that’s perfect for a little Netflix and Chill… even if it’s by yourself*.

*Note that I’m old and I may not have the best idea of what Netflix and Chill actually means so I may mean that in a different way than you may read it if you’re under 25.

Have you watched Master of None? What did you think? 

Beach Reads

A little over a week ago Andrea and I spent a beautiful almost-summer day at the beach and worked on compiling a summer playlist. Almost everyone has one, these playlists are full of fun and light pop songs that just make you want to bop your head and sing along. Songs that you would never listen to (or at least admit to listening to) from September to May are on repeat and you’re not embarrassed if you get caught singing along to them in your car when your windows are down.

The summer songs are easy and don’t make you think. Hozier need not apply for this summer job.

I look forward to creating a summer playlist every year and once we have our summer playlist you can bet your iTunes library that we’ll be sharing it here.

But in the meantime, I want to share my summer book recommendations. Because I like to apply the same concept to books as I do to my music. During the colder months when I just want to snuggle under a blanket with a cup of hot tea and a good read I don’t want to read anything resembling a Shopaholic book, but on the beach in a bathing suit with a cold Strongbow I am all about these kinds of books. No one wants to think too hard in the summer, maybe it has to do with summer break from school as kids, but our brains need a break.

I’m all about collections of short stories by celebrities and bloggers. Seriously, I cannot get enough. Something about the fact that I can rip through a book in a full day by the beach makes me feel like I’ve accomplished a lot more than just getting a tan.

So while I would recommend a lot of the Sophia Kinsella books as well as her counterparts, my list will be full of celebrity authors and bloggers that wrote a bunch of short stories about their lives. Partly because I like to look for a resemblance to my life growing up, but mostly because I’m looking for celebrity gossip.



Bossypants – Tina Fey

I think Bossypants is the first of these kinds of books (I don’t want to say Autobiography but that’s what the internet classifies them as so it shall be). It is hilarious and gives us an inside look to what it’s like working at Saturday Night Live and on your own TV show. Plus she’s able to make fun of herself and is really relatable. I have the hardcover and the audiobook, I highly recommend both as I really like listening to Tina tell the stories herself.
Favourite Chapter: Chapter 15: I don’t care if you like it


Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns) – Mindy Kaling

This book is one of those books that I like to pick up and read random chapters over and over again. I feel like because we’re both similar in age, I like to project a lot of myself on Mindy in this book and again, I relate to it really well. Unlike Tina’s book, this isn’t full of stories about her life (but there are those too) but offers opinions and advice as well.
Favourite Chapter: Someone Explain One-Night Stands to Me



Let’s Pretend This Never Happened (A Mostly True Memoir) – Jenny Lawson (The Bloggess)

If you read no other book on this list, you need to read this one. I have never in my life laughed so hard at a book, tears were actually streaming down my face from laughter. While you’re at it, you should check out because Jenny Lawson is a gem. I cannot wait for her next book, Furiously Happy, which comes out in September. Jenny is odd (in a good way!) and is very open about her depression, anxiety and rheumatoid arthritis, she is incredibly talented at writing about these things. Plus, her obsession with stuffed dead animals makes for great book covers!
Favourite Chapter: If You See My Liver, You’ve Gone Too Far (one of the more serious chapters but high-five to Jenny for telling it so well)

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Yes Please – Amy Poehler

I will read almost anything that any recent SNL female lead puts out, so Maya Rudolph hurry up and get your book deal (with that being said, I read Rachel Dratch’s book and was disappointed). This is one of those books that is great to read as well as listen to the audio, in fact I highly recommend both. She has Mike Schur (the creator of Parks & Rec) and Seth Meyers come read the parts they wrote in the book and also has cameos from her parents, Kathleen Turner, and Patrick Stewart. While everyone with a sense of humour knows that Amy is hilarious, this book also shows her sensitive and sweet side. When she talks about her sons, boyfriend, friends and even her ex-husband she has only the most complimentary and beautiful things to say about them. This book is honest and is filled with funny anecdotes, also some great advice and she’s not shy about talking about things others on this list may shy away from.
Favourite chapter: Let’s Build a Park (or My World Famous Sex Advice)


Self Inflicted Wounds – Aisha Tyler

I actually bought this one on audio first and then got the eBook and I loved hearing Aisha tell these stories. She’s really animated and into telling them, whereas many others you can tell are just tired of sitting in a booth reading their book out loud. I think I like this book so much because it is filled with delicious schadenfreude, she writes it so you take absolute delight in her embarrassing stories. And if you’re as clumsy or stubborn as me, then you’ll definitely relate. Aside from writing about her cringeworthy stories, this book motivates and encourages as she shares what she learned from these events.
Favourite Chapter: The Day the Comedy Died

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A Hot Glue Gun Mess – Mr Kate

I can’t remember how I found Mr. Kate’s website. It might have been through Pinterest or another blog post, but I found it a few years back and I love her fun (and easy) DIYs, quirky sense of style and fabulous curly hair. Her book came out last Tuesday and when I finally got it on Sunday I ripped through it in a couple of hours. It’s a hybrid of DIYs and stories about her life, and what I love most is that she’s unapologetic about herself and her stories. She shares stories about going to lunch (at 14) with Tom Hanks in a bathing suit despite the odd stares from others, sleeping with Tiger Woods (pre-marriage and scandal) as well as meeting her husband (Joey, who co-stars in her videos on her blog… watch OMG We Bought a House, they’re adorable). The stories are not long at all, but entertaining and I can’t wait to try out some of these projects.
Favourite Chapter: Cleansing Bachelorettes

There’s a few books I’m looking forward to reading this summer, I just picked up Aziz Ansari’s Modern Romance: An Investigation after reading an excerpt in June’s Glamour. And don’t judge me, but I’m excited to check out Holly Madison’s Down the Rabbit Hole… yes, Hugh Hefner’s ex Holly Madison. I loved the Girls Next Door and Playboy Mansion gossip intrigues me.

Ok, your turn… what books do you recommend to read on the beach? Anything you’re looking forward to reading with a cold beverage in your hand?

Please world, let me read more books

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Pretty books

I have a very large dilemma almost every time that I have a break from school. I want to read. I love to read and wish I could do it more often, but during the semester, I find it is more of a procrastination tool than anything else. It almost might be worse than Netflix… Wait, no, Netflix wins. But when I have time away from the other books I get mighty ambitious. Now here is the real problem. I like to buy a LOT of books. Thinking that I will miraculously read ten books over a long weekend (It hasn’t happened yet). For example, in my four day trip to Palm Springs, I brought five books. I didn’t even finish the one I started on Christmas break, shameful. But I was thinking, while I only have a few more days to plough through the remainder of my lofty list, I could pass along some favourites and ones that are on my list to maybe inspire some more bookwormyness (I have been out of school for too long).

First of all let me tell you a little bit about my books. Unfortunately I don’t have them all at my house. Most of them live in the shelves at my Moms house, as she thinks they are hers (she may or may not have paid for them, and read them first, but I feel that I have more of a “connection” with them). So some of my books are at my house, but not all of them fit into my recently reduced TV unit so some are stacked behind and some are in my room. My favourite display is my ambitions shelf (just came up with that mildly pretentious name, I like it). It is my shelf of my books on my reading list, the ones I have bought and haven’t had a chance to get to. But want to. There are more that I have not yet read, but I can only fit so many on the shelf at a time. PS the shelf – $5! From the bargain bin at IKEA. I want to paint the brackets, or gold leaf them, but I will likely do that when I am supposed to be writing a paper.

Now as far as organizing goes, I may be a bit of a crazy person. I like to sort my books by colour. Like a rainbow, with black at the front and white at the end (I know this is seriously nutty). But my girl Jen, had an extra of this book, and gave it to me. It creeped me out when I was walking into the room, so alas, no colour coordination in this shelf.

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Terrifying cover

Now into the good stuff. The actual books. My favourite book of all time is The Stone Diaries by Carol Shields. It is one of the most beautifully written novels I have ever had the pleasure to read, and the story just stuck with me. I read it about ten years ago, and it is still one of my favourites. You can check out the book here.

Another favourite is The Book of Negroes by Lawrence Hill. Another incredible read, and another story that will be with you for life. Take a gander here. Also, the book was turned into a miniseries on CBC, which was amazing. If you don’t have the time to read, it is definitely worth the watch.

Now on my list for my break, I wanted to read

1. The Secret Book of Grazia dei Rossi – Jacqueline Park

2. The Legacy of Grazia dei Rossi – Jacqueline Park

3. The Shadow Queen – Sandra Gulland

4. Ru – Kim Thuy

I managed to finish the first book this morning (the process is pictured below, full with lurking dog and necessary coffee). The book is really good, and am going to move on to book two. Hopefully I am able to make a dent before I have to hit the more tedious books again.

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Please let me know what kind of books you love to read, I am always looking for more ways to procrastinate! Happy reading!